Materials Synthesis and Physical Chemistry
  Carbon nanostructures and two-dimensional nanomaterials
  Block copolymer synthesis and self-assembled nanostructures
  Nanostructured biomaterials
  Énvestigations using vibrational spectroscopy/microscopy (Raman and infrared)
AFM/Raman correlative microscopy

  Clay minerals and clay-based hybrid materials
  Low dimensional Hybrid Materials
  Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Inorganic Nanomaterials for Energy and Environmental Applications
  Synthesis and physicochemical properties of advanced organic-inorganic materials
  Design and development of Metal Organic Frameworks and/or Covalent Organic Frameworks
  Design and construction of artificial photosynthetic systems for the conversion of solar energy to fuels

Material Synthesis and Physical Chemistry

Organic-inorganic hybrid semiconductors
Dr. George Mousdis, Research Director
orcid googleholar

One of the most successful strategies to obtain novel functional materials is to combine the specific properties of the inorganic frameworks, such as electronic properties, and the intriguing features of the organic ligands, such as flexibility and the ability to form weak interactions.

An emerging class of these materials is the organic-inorganic hybrid halometalates. These materials are low cost and solution processable semiconducting materials. They show excellent optoelectronic properties such as high and balanced carrier mobility, long carrier diffusion length, large light absorption coefficient in the UV-vis range, nonlinear optical effects and efficient luminescence. A subclass of these materials is that with a perovskite structure. Those materials were used for the preparation of perovskite solar cells (PVSCs) that shows an excellent efficiency of more than 22%.

During the last thirty years, a large number of organic-inorganic hybrid compounds with a perovskite like structure have been prepared and studied, in our institute and in collaboration with others. Compounds of the types (CH3C6H5CH2NH3)2MX4 (M=Pb, Sn; X=I, Br, Cl) and (CH3NH3)MX3  behave as two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) semiconducting systems.  

Compounds of the type (CH3NH3)n(C6H5CH2NH3)2Mn+1X3n+4 (n=2: bilayer; n=3: trilayer; n>3:multilayer) behave as quasi-two-dimensional (q-2D) semiconducting systems. Investigations of their optical properties showed that the excitonic optical absorption (OA) and photoluminescence (PL) bands are shifted to longer wavelengths with increasing number of layers (i.e., n).


Key publications

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Polyhedron 2020, 175, 114180

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J. Lumines. 2014, 149, 287

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Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 2017, 3401



Recent publications (since 2013)
  • G. C. Anyfantis, A. Ioannou, H. Barkaoui, Y. Abid, C. P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, G. A. Mousdis, "Hybrid halobismuthates as prospective light-harvesting materials: Synthesis, crystal, optical properties and electronic structure", Polyhedron 2020, 175, 114180.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2019.114180
  • G. C. Anyfantis, N.-M. Ganotopoulos, A. Savvidou, C. P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, G. A. Mousdis, "Synthesis and characterization of new organic-inorganic hybrid compounds based on Sb, with a perovskite like structure", Polyhedron, 2018, 151, 299.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2018.05.024
  • G.A. Mousdis, N.M. Ganotopoulos, H. Barkaoui, Y. Abid, V. Psycharis, A. Savvidou, and C.P. Raptopoulou, "Preparation and characterization of some new one-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid materials based on Sb", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 2017, 3401.
    DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201700277
  • A. Aukstuolis, M. Girtan, G.A. Mousdis, R. Mallet, M. Socol, M. Rasheed, and A. Stanculescu, "Measurement of charge carrier mobility in perovskite nanowire films by photo-CELIV method", Proc. Rom. Acad. - Math. Phys. Tech. Sci. Inf. Sci. 2017, 18, 34.
  • G. C. Papavassiliou, M.-S. Vidali, G. Pagona, G. A. Mousdis, N. Karousis, and I. Koutselas, "Effects of organic moieties on the photoluminescence spectra of perovskite-type tin bromide based compounds", J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2015, 79, 1.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2014.11.018
  • G. C. Papavassiliou, G. A. Mousdis, G. Pagona, N. Karousis, and M.-S. Vidali, "Room temperature enhanced blue-green, yellow-orange and red phosphorescence from some compounds of the type (CH3NH3)n-1(1-naphthylmethyl ammonium)2Pbn(ClxBr1-x)3n+1 (with n=1,2 and 0<x< 1)and related observations from similar compounds", J. Lumines. 2014, 149, 287.
    DOI:  10.1016/j.jlumin.2014.01.050
  • G. C. Papavassiliou, G. Pagona, G. A. Mousdis, and N. Karousis, "Enhanced phosphorescence from nanocrystalline/microcrystalline materials based on (CH3NH3)(1-naphthylmethyl ammonium)2Pb2Cl7 and similar compounds", Chem. Phys. Lett. 2013, 570, 80.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2013.03.041
  • G. C. Papavassiliou, G. A. Mousdis, I. Koutselas, "Basic Properties and EarlyWorks in Organic-Inorganic Perovskites", in Halide Perovskites: Photovoltaics, Light Emitting Devices, and Beyond", Eds. Tze-Chien Sum and Nripan Mathews, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. 2019, Chapter 1.1,  ISBN: 978-3-527-34111-5









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