Hours & Services
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to technical work being carried out in the NHRF building, the library's reading room will remain temporarily closed as of December 2024.
Orders for articles and bibliographies will still be processed by the library.
The date for the re-opening of the reading room will be announced on the library website. In the meantime, please contact: library@eie.gr.
Information, requests & suggestions
For information and requests regarding the library, please contact:
email: library[at]eie.gr
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For the Helios Institutional Repository specifically, please contact:
email: repository[at]eie.gr
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Library Coordination |
Ydraiou Ioanna |
iydraiou[at]eie.gr |
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Excecutives |
Mpartzi Katerina |
kbartzi[at]eie.gr |
T: + |
Rapti Vallia |
valliarapti[at]eie.gr |
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Privacy Policy
The Library strives to provide the academic community with the easiest possible access to the information and educational tools they need to achieve their goals, through its print and electronic collections.
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