Νewsletter - October 2021
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Νewsletter - September 2021
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Νewsletter - July 2021
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The collaboration between the NHRF and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) will be extended for two more years, in the framework of the Athens Comprehensive Cancer Center (ACCC)
The collaboration of the NHRF with the leading German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) will be extended for two more years, in the framework of the Athens Comprehensive Cancer Center (ACCC) project. The extension is a result of the successful interim evaluation conducted by a committee of experts of Helmholtz Association.
Νewsletter - June 2021
Read NHRF's latest Newsletter or subscribe to receive our latest news.
Νewsletter - April-May 2021
Read NHRF's latest Newsletter or subscribe to receive our latest news.
Νewsletter - March 2021
Read NHRF's latest Newsletter or subscribe to receive our latest news.
Νewsletter - February 2021
Read NHRF's latest Newsletter or subscribe to receive our latest news.
Νewsletter - January 2021
Read NHRF's latest Newsletter or subscribe to receive our latest news.
International Digital Conference "Nationalist Movements and Philhellenism"
Οrganised by the Institute of Historical Research/National Hellenic Research Foundation and supported by the “Bicentennial Initiative 1821-2021”
Conference Programme [pdf] | Book of Abstracts [pdf]
Digital participation with registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dhnYsT0hR0mUp-4nriaADw
18:00 - 20:00 // Online lectures through Webex platform
Registration is required by email at Seminario.Oikonomides@gmail.com
18:00 - 20:00 // Online lectures through Webex platform
Registration is required by email at Seminario.Oikonomides@gmail.com
18:00 - 20:00 // Online lectures through Webex platform
Registration is required by email at Seminario.Oikonomides@gmail.com
Link: https://zoom.us/j/99876732688?pwd=MmRsdGtVVTVVN3llbCtxVDZJdXZiUT09
Passcode: 913806
Online Webinar "Numismatic Meetings"
Peter Van Alfen, "Symbols of What Exactly? The Semiotics of Archaic Coin Types"
Organised by the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in collaboration with the Belgian School at Athens, the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, the French School at Athens and the German Archaeological Institute
18:00 // Online with registration
17:00 // Online Webinar, registration is required
Online International Conference: Performance in Late Antiquity and Byzantium
Press Release [pdf] | Conference Full Details [Website]
Registration as a listener/attendee is free of charge.
Registration : https://virtual.gkacademics.com/categoria-producto/human-2021-eng/
The conference presentations will be delivered in English.
16:00 // Online, registration is required
18:00 - 20:00 // Online lectures through Webex platform
Registration is required by email at Seminario.Oikonomides@gmail.com
First Regional Structural Biology meeting: Balkans and the South-East Mediterranean
iNEXT-Discovery is an EU-funded 4-year project for stimulating the use of structural biology in research in Europe. The consortium consists of more than 25 academic research groups that together offer their facilities and expertise for free peer-reviewed research access to some of the most advanced facilities for structural biology. This virtual meeting will ideally have participants from science, but also from policy and administration sectors, to inform everyone about the research opportunities in iNEXT-Discovery and beyond.
Press Release [pdf] | Agenda [pdf]
14:00 – 17:00 (CEST) // Online, registration is required
Online Webinar "Numismatic Meetings"
Fran Stroobants, "Local Issues vs Regional Monetary Zones. The case of Salagassos and its Surroundings"
Organised by the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in collaboration with the Belgian School at Athens, the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, the French School at Athens and the German Archaeological Institute
18:00 // Online Webinar, registration is required
NHRF Online Seminars / Institute of Chemical Biology
“Investigating protein complexes and proteoforms by bottom-up proteomics”
Dr. Isabell Bludau, Research Dept Proteomics & Signal Transduction, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, DE
Host: T. Katsila, Research Assistant Professor
12:00 (EEST) Athens // Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 991 6314 0199 // Passcode: 772657
15:00 // Online Workshop, registration is required
18:00 - 20:00 // Online lectures through Webex platform
Registration is required by email at Seminario.Oikonomides@gmail.com
NHRF Online Seminars / Institute of Chemical Biology
"Tackling oncogenic signalling and tumour-stroma crosstalk in aggressive B-cell lymphoma"
Dr. Gaël Roué, Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Barcelona, ES
Host: T. Katsila, Research Assistant Professor
12:00 Athens (EEST) // Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 919 2465 2490 // Passcode: 288722
Link: https://zoom.us/j/91357155418?pwd=RHlFUyt4blJ2T05vSDZZTXpVUm5sQT09
Passcode: 264591
Online Webinar "Numismatic Meetings"
Βάσια Ψηλακάκου (Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών),
"Το νομισματοκοπείο της Ιστιαίας. Η ιστορία της πόλης μέσα από τη νομισματική της παραγωγή"
Organised by the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in collaboration with the Belgian School at Athens, the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, the French School at Athens and the German Archaeological Institute
17:00 // Online Webinar, registration is required. Please also note that this last Seminar will start at 17.00 EET instead of the usual (and already announced in the original program) 18.00.
The lecture will be in Greek with a Power Point presentation in English.
NHRF Online Seminars / Institute of Chemical Biology
"Electronics on the Brain"
Prof. George Malliaras, Prince Philip Professor of Technology, Dept. of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK
Host: Ch. Chochos, Associate Researcher
10:00 AM UK, 12:00 Athens (EEST)
// Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 989 6358 8201 // Passcode: 303513
17:00 // Online, registration is required.
Attendance via Internet. Registration is required, no fees.
NHRF Online Seminars / Institute of Chemical Biology
"Genoprotective properties of edible mushrooms rich in β-glucans"
Dr Athina Boulaka, Institute of Chemical Biology, NHRF
12:00 PM EEST // Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 995 7226 8888 // Passcode: 060050
Link: https://zoom.us/j/97642422182?pwd=aDlqWDF0cjhxaFhWcFA3OHBFbGc5Zz09
Passcode: 502648
Link: https://zoom.us/j/98225882722?pwd=SmtNVlY1Wm9Sa3JCcHlTelQwU3Jhdz09
Meeting ID: 982 2588 2722 // Passcode: 326293
Link: https://zoom.us/j/93250265521?pwd=QkhJdE85VDNnVE5vUlVuZ2c5MGJsUT09
Passcode: 250349
Link: https://zoom.us/j/91673851943?pwd=dGRqd253Um9jZGQzb3FLNG5EUmZJZz09
Passcode: 906803
Link: https://zoom.us/j/95638426687?pwd=ZHNPVnYvZzI2bDA4
Passcode: 314219
Detailed information : https://www.euroneurotrophin.eu/conference.html
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85853964299?pwd=U1dPa0Z1Rldmb2ZBdWVzcXhyanJCQT09
Meeting ID: 85853964299 // Passcode: 722780
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85819469747?
Meeting ID: 858 1946 9747 // Passcode: 517061
International Workshop "Arabs and Arabia in Byzantine literary sources: People, places, mentalities"
The Institute of Historical Research in collaboration with the King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives organizes the International Workshop “Arabs and Arabia in Byzantine literary sources: People, places, mentalities” on October 8-9, 2021 at the Leonidas Zervas Amphitheater, National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF).
In compliance with the regulations for the protection from Covid-19, and to facilitate attendance under travel restrictions, the Workshop will be organized as a hybrid event. Most presentations will take place in person with a small audience in the NHRF Amphitheatre and streamed via Zoom, while some others will be made digitally. Given the circumstances posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to inform you that the visit to the NHRF must be pre-arranged by email at iie@eie.gr. Everyone is required to wear a protective mask and to have sent to the above e-mail address a certificate of vaccination or recovery or a negative rapid test conducted within the previous 48 hours (as directed by Gov. Gazette 4181/9-9-2021).
Τo remotely attend the Workshop, please click on the zoom link below and register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XzQTAxgsR6OAKBugKBXodg
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86178755124?pwd=VnpaS3h1ZGFobDNia1JRN2RBb0hpZz09
Meeting ID: 861 7875 5124 // Passcode: 026160
Online attendance | Registration is required:
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84620562214?pwd=NmV1S0ZQUWFPR1hGWjdlb3F3dytUZz09
Meeting ID: 846 2056 2214 // Passcode: 043339
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83216042760?pwd=UytPejd1VUhvbk53VXEzaUhwNlFlQT09
Meeting ID: 832 1604 2760 // Passcode: 338007
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82484415200?pwd=WG4yT2M2ckVOSTJXMVBtWGJ5U0toZz09
Meeting ID: 824 8441 5200 // Passcode: 182978
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81682875941?pwd=Y3hDc1A0TU9MWG56MDdqelR5MWJuZz09
Meeting ID: 816 8287 5941 // Passcode: 573738
Historical Sciences Seminar 2021-2022
Organised by the Section of Byzantine Research (IBR/IHR)
Online Courses, registration is required.
Information and Course programme [pdf]
Course Summaries [pdf]
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81297121518?pwd=L1dQVVZIR1A2a29zMVNSZnJLVlEzdz09
Meeting ID: 812 9712 1518 // Passcode: 081666
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82144736347?pwd=S0l4Q3BmWnJyamEzbUpDMlU1b25XUT09
Meeting ID: 821 447 36347 // Passcode: 861275
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85288871236?pwd=MFViaEgwcnRyTVVqcForbU43VmhWZz09
Meeting ID: 852 8887 1236 // Passcode: 085732
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Anna Labadaridi (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow) and Laura FRANCO (Tor Vergata, Roma and Royal Holloway, London), «Νέες έρευνες γύρω από τις ελληνικές μεταφράσεις του Βίου του Αγίου Ιλαρίωνος (BHL 3879)» and «O μεταφραστικός Βίος του Αγίου Ιλαρίωνος (BHG
Translating the “Father of Translation”. Linguistic and Cultural Transfers in Byzantium. Marie Skłodowska-Curie IF TRANSFA Horizon 2020
11:00 // Institute of Historical Research / Section of Byzantine Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Conference room 5th Floor
Historical Sciences Seminar 2021-2022
Organised by the Section of Byzantine Research (IBR/IHR)
Online Courses, registration is required.
Information and Course programme [pdf]
Course Summaries [pdf]
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364116906?pwd=THRXeTJtdm0xQ0ZZVU50NEhaTEhtdz09
Meeting ID: 823 6411 6906 // Passcode: 143878
"Following the Traces of Turkish-speaking Christians of Anatolia"
Guest Editor: Evangelia Balta, THE SOURCES OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES, no 150, t. I-II, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Harvard University, 2021, 568 pages.
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