Lowercase letters: Exacteigenfunctions (unknown): g: Exact ground state (unknown) a: Exact 1st excited state (unknown) e: another Exact excited state (unknown)
CAPITAL LETTERS:Approximate wave functions (known) G: ApproximateGround state (known)= g Orthogonal to G:A, F, H, M, R:Approximate1st excited states (known) E: higher Approximate excited state (known)
A: The Closestto a. EVIDENTLY: ENERGY[A] < ENERGY[a] (A below a level) E: ENERGY[E] > ENERGY[a] (E above a level) F: ENERGY[F] = ENERGY[a] (F at a level) H: Standard Hylleraas-Undheim-MacDonald: ENERGY[H]³ENERGY[F] (H above F,above a level) M:Standard Minimization of the Energy: ENERGY[M] < ENERGY[A] (M below A, below a level) R: OR-THOG-O-NAL to...a ! Alas !! : ENERGY[R] = ENERGY[a] !!! (R at a level)!!!
If G -> g, then all of {A, F, H, M} APPROACHthe Exacta
Except in exceptionally simple cases, in large systems always G .ne. g, never G -> g accuratey enough.
But if G .ne. g, then NONE of {A, F, H, M, R} APPROACHESthe Exacta
QUESTION: If G .ne. g, WhatAPPROACHESthe Exacta?
TPCI ANSWER: Ùn: Variation Functionals for Excited States (VFES)(1)
(1) "Inherent restrictions of the Hylleraas-Undheim-MacDonald higher roots, and minimization functionals at the excited states", N.C. Bacalis, Z. Xiong and D. Karaoulanis, J. Comput. Meth. Sci. Eng. 8, 277 (2008) (Category: Invited Paper)
Dr. Z. Xiong, AMS Research Center, Southeast University, Nanjing, China.
(b) Ùn VFES
Variation Functionals for Excited States
Öi: (known) Approximations of the(unknown) Exact eigenfunctionsøi
of increasing energy E[ø0] < ...< E[øi] < ...< E[øn]
Variation of Ön to minimize Ùn(the rest of Öi unvaried) approaches the exact øn
The energy E[Ön] has Downward paraboloids PL , and Upward paraboloids PH.
Standard treatments (H, M): Diminish (approximately) the Downward paraboloids PL : E[øn] + PH
(then Ö0 = Galways has better quality than fn = H or M)
TPCI treatment: Invert (exactly) the Downward paraboloids PL:E[øn] + PH + PL:
This leads to the VFESÙnwith minimum at øn.