In 2009, the Institute for Neohellenic Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation created a digital library, Instrumenta Studiorum Balkanica, containing a selection of translated studies on Neohellenic history that have been formerly published in Balkan languages or in Russian. In this way, the Department aims to make historical research carried out in Southeastern Europe accessible to the Greek scholarly community. We also hope that this digital library will serve as an open channel of communication and contact between scholars from the Balkan countries, enrich their knowledge and enhance mutual understanding on historical issues of common interest.
The first example of this effort is a corpus of studies on the life and days of Ali Pasha, a research topic already treated by several members of the Department of Neohellenic Research over the last decades. In some cases, the translators accompany their texts with rich commentaries and visual material that can be helpful for the reader.