Institute of Historical Research, Section of Neohellenic Research
The Section of Neohellenic Research of the Institute of Historical Research (IHR / NHRF) was established in 1960, as Center for Neohellenic Research (KNE) with the purpose of studying Modern Greek culture and society in all its aspects, from the fifteenth century to the present time.
Its objectives are:
to produce new knowledge based on the critical reassessment of the historical sources and to enhance and expand research fields on Cultural, Economic, Political and Social History related to modern Greece, as seen into the Balkan, European and Mediterranean context;
to promote interdisciplinary and highly specialised approaches and to develop new, complex fields of knowledge and new scientific areas in the context of the History of modern Hellenism;
to establish the History of modern Hellenism in international scholarship and promote national and international collaborations;
to develop new interdisciplinary research fields, placing modern Greek history in the context of the Balkans and Southeastern Mediterranean.
In order to attain these objectives, the Section develops research projects focused on cultural, social, economic and political history of Modern Greece. These projects result in a wide range of research products, such asmonographs, collective volumes, essays, databases, thematic and chronological bibliographies, archive inventories, indexes and publications of primary sources and digital collections. The Section organizes international congresses, workshops and seminars. Its publications are in Greek as well as in foreign languages, among which an academic periodical series, available in hard copy and on-line.
The Section's Research Projects are grouped under three main divisions:
Cultural History (Literary History, Historiography, History of Science, Geographical Culture and History of Cartography, Religious Art, Institutions and Ideology in Modern Greek Society)
Economic and Social History (History of Enterprises and Industrial Archaeology, Historical Study of Settlements in Greece, Ottoman Studies, Travel Networks, Diplomatic and Consular Networks)
Political History (Contemporary Political History, The Greek Press, Historical Archive of Greek Youth)
I. Journals / Periodicals
The Historical Review / La Revue Historique (10 vols since 2004)
Tetradia Ergasias (35 vols since 1982 - suspended)
Newsletter (35 fasc. since 1990 - suspended)
II. Academic Series
Scientific Monographs (136 titles)
The Historical Archive of Greek Youth (47 titles)
Conference proceedings and special publications (33 vols)
The C. Th. Dimaras Annual Lecture (16 titles since 1997)