Action D31

Organising Non-Covalent Chemical Systems with Selected Functions

3rd Workshop, 28-31 March 2007, Athens, Greece

The Workshop will take place in two locations in the Athens area, the National Hellenic Research Foundation and the National Centre for Scientific Research "Democritos". The NHRF will host the opening session on the evening of Wednesday 28th March and the Management Committee and Evaluation Meetings scheduled for Saturday 31st March. NCRPS Democritos will host the two full day sessions on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th March.

The NHRF is in a central location and is within easy access of the suggested accommodation. Transportation to and from NCSR Democritos will be provided.

A reception will take place at the opening session on Wednesday at the NHRF, while lunch will available at NCSR Democritos for 15 Euros per person. Delegates wishing lunch on the two full-day sessions on Thursday and Friday are kindly asked to declare this when registering.

A Social Dinner is scheduled for the evening of Friday 30th

Data projectors will be available for oral presentations

Posters should be not more than 1m x 1m