Zoroastrianism and Christianity in the Sasanian Empire (4th century AD)
University of Ioannina, Greece
Managing an empire - teacher and pupil
Dr. Gerassimos G. APERGHIS
Athens, Greece
Hajiabad and the dialogue of civilizations
Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, ICHTO, Iran
A review of archaeological research aims and studies in Iran
Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, ICHTO, Iran
Pseudo-Aristotelian politics and theology: from Rome to Qom
Dr. Garth FOWDEN
Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, NHRF, Greece
Psychotropic plants on Achaemenid-style vessels
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Greece
Greeks and Iranians in the Cimmerian Bosporus in the 1st century BC - 1st century AD: new epigraphical data from Tanais
Professor A. I. IVANTCHIK
Moscow, Russia/ CNRS - Bordeaux, France
Greek, Anatolian and Persian iconography in Asia Minor: material sources, method and perspectives
Yannick LINTZ
Musee du Louvre, France
The marble of the Penelope from Persepolis and its historical implications
Professor Olga PALAGIA
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
The adaptation of the Achaemenid griffin in a Macedonian tomb-painting and a Sikyonian mosaic
Dr. Stavros A. PASPALAS
Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens, Greece
The death of Masistios and the mourning for his loss (Hdt. 9.20-25)
Professor Angeliki PETROPOULOU
Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece
Historical Iranian and Greek relations in retrospect
Dr. Mehdi RAHBAR
Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, ICHTO, Iran
Persia and Greece, forgotten history of cultural relations
Shahrokh RAZMJOU
Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, ICHTO, Iran
Reading Persepolis in Greek - Part Two: Marriage metaphors and unmanly virtues
Professor Margaret Cool ROOT
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Patterns of conquest and patterns of construction: a new look at the birth of Achaemenid art and architecture
Professor David STRONACH
University of California, Berkeley, USA
From Tatarli to Munich. The recovery of a painted wooden tomb chamber near Kelainai
Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, Munich, Germany
The role of cultural dialogue and interaction in architecture (with special reference to the interaction and dialogue between Iran and Greece at Persepolis and Pasargadae)
Dr. Mohammad Hassan TALEBIAN
Parsa-Pasargadae Research Foundation, Iran
Europe and Asia: Aeschylos' Persians and Homer's Iliad
Professor Stephen V. TRACY
American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece
Achaemenid influences on Rhodian minor arts and crafts
22nd Archaeological Ephorate of Dodecanese, Rhodes, Greece
Magi in fifth-century BC Athens?
Professor Kyriakos TSANTSANOGLOU
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
A Persian inheritance? The Seleucids and their Achaemenid predecessors
Professor Christopher J. TUPLIN
University of Liverpool, UK
Some reflections on a common motif in ancient Greece and ancient Iran
Research Center, CHHTO, North Khorasan Province, Iran
Graeco-Persian literary interactions in antiquity and their influence in classical Persian literature
Dr. Evangelos VENETIS
University of Leiden, The Netherlands
The settlement Artaphernes-Mardonius in Herodotus as an example of imperial nostalgia
Dr. Michael N. WEISKOPF
Concord, CA, USA
Achaemenid adaptations in Late Classical and Hellenistic silver vessels from Macedonia
Dr. Eleni ZIMI
University of Crete, Greece
Cultural interconnections in the Achaemenid West: the testimony of the Cypriot archaeological record
Dr. Antigoni ZOURNATZI
Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, NHRF, Greece